Geography :
The Andean region is the mountainous part of Colombia, where the majority of the population lives. It includes the big cities like Bogota, Medellin, Cali etc. It also includes the highest peaks and snow-covered volcanic peaks such as the Nevado del Huila and the Nevado del Tolima, culminating at 5616m of altitude.
- The Caribbean region is located in the north of the country and includes the archipelago of San Andres and Providencia. There is an important contrast of landscapes with mountains but also a desert and swampy plains.
- The Pacific region is the coastal strip that extends from the Panamanian border to Ecuador. The banks of the Paficique River meet the coastal plains and continue to the peaks of the Andes.
- The Orinoco region is a rather special region located between the Andean region and the Amazon region. It is characterized by vast cultivable plains called “llanos”, which constitute a large part of Colombia’s economy and agriculture.
- The Amazon region is characterized by areas of dense forests and large rivers. Colombia is the first country in terms of bird diversity, with condors, raptors, toucans and parrots depending on the region studied. There are also more than 150,000 species of butterflies linked to the great diversity of flora. The mammals of the jungle like the sloth, the armadillo, the tapir or the jaguar are also regularly observed in the forest.